Ubbey App allows users to manage their Ubbey box anytime and anywhere, and share storage to get UBBEY coins in Ubbey network. Ubbey box is the world’s first personal cloud hardware based on blockchain technology. And Ubbey network is a storage-based blockchain integrated solution.
As the first decentralized cloud ecosystem using blockchain technology, users can participate in UBBEY token mining through our proprietary Ubbey Box automatically. The Ubbey Box aims to build the largest P2P storage and sharing network. Thanks to Ubbey’s enterprise-grade security and encryption, You can safely store and recover your digital assets from Ubbey network, even your Ubbey Box storage is missing. Ubbey Box allows users to backup or store files and later access to those files conveniently through smartphones, computers and other devices.
Through Ubbey App, users could manage files in Ubbey box. Users could upload to and download from Ubbey box anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, users could adjust their desired return of UBBEY token, by changing the amount of sharing storage, and assign reward recipients. Ubbey App enable users to mange their Ubbey box in a super convenient way.
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